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Showing posts from 2018

What do I always think like this.

The most hate things that I hate in my self is easy to attach to some one and I am going to hurt my self for getting overly attach to them. The feels going to turn slowly. At first it just to feel like a friend. Then, it slowly turn to getting cared for them very much like they are mine. What wrong?? Is it good or is it bad?? This is what I am afraid of. It hurts and very hurts me alot and I dont like them. Please help me. I need some one that can hear my story deep down my heart. Hopefully I will change and get someone to hear my voice.

Surat Cinta Untuk ....

Mungkin yang di rasai itu hanya satu perasaan. Ia datang dan pergi tanpa di rasai. Terpaku aku melihat kamu tatkala berada didepan aku. Aku fikir apakah perasaan ini??? Menjadi persoalan bagi aku. Perlukah aku memberi tahu kamu sedangkan perasaan itu masih mngelirukan aku. Aku keliru dalam percaturan diriku.